Changes For 2018

NEW LAKE FOR 2018 – CATLEY CROSS LAKE. Please see CLUB WATERS PAGE for information on this beautiful new water!

YELDHAM LAKES | CANNEY, COBLANDS AND WILLOWS – Unfortunately the land owner for Canny, Cobblands and Willows has decided to sell the lakes and we will not be able to renew our lease for this coming year. We still have the lease to Partridge however and this lake will still be available in the next coming season with a brand new road across the joining field making access now easier during the bad weather months.

CHANGE OF CLUB SECRETARY – Unfortunately due to full time work commitments Mariea Johnson will no longer be club secretary and instead Abbie Merlehan will be taking over her position. Mariea has been with the club for the past three seasons and we are all sorry to see her leave. I’m sure you will all join us in wishing her the best of luck in her new venture.

CLUB MOBILE – Due to the amount of phone calls the club has received regarding information that is readily available on the website, we have had to make the club mobile for EMERGENCY CALLS ONLY. For any further required information regarding membership, club waters or upcoming events that is otherwise not available on the website, please contact the Club Secretary via Email, Text message or the contact us form on the website.

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